Monday, December 28, 2009

Kwanzaa: Celebrating Racism

When I first heard about Kwanzaa, back when I was in my pre-teen years it sounded to me like an attempt by race-baiting Black activists to have a holiday similar to, but completely separate from the “White” Christmas holiday. In other words, a way to build a greater divide between Blacks and Whites, and I never took it seriously or even as a legitimate holiday.

It wasn’t until twenty years or more later that I found that what I thought instinctively was in fact, true.

Kwanzaa was the “brainchild” of professional race-baiting activist and criminal Ron Korenga. (Formerly Ronald Everett) Korenga formed a Black racist cult called the United Slaves, a group formed in opposition to the Black Panther party.

In 1970, Korenga and two of his followers were arrested for torturing two of his female followers. Korenga thought they were trying to poison him. But then again, Korenga did have some problems determining fact from fantasy.

A 1971 psychological profile of him described Korenga, “as a danger to society who is in need of prolonged custodial treatment in prison.” And that while he was legally sane, was not in complete touch with reality.

It’s amazing that any sane person would take a “holiday” created by this racist nut job as serious.

Kwanzaa, no thanks, I’ll stick with Christmas.

For those of you who’ve recently attended public schools or have liberals as parents, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, also known as the Son of God who came to reconcile fallen Man with God.

Granted, the actual day The Christ was born is debated even by Christians and while the Christmas as celebrated in December may have been taken from a pagan holiday, there’s no debate that today, Christmas celebrates the Lord’s birth.

Christmas is a Holiday all races can celebrate.



Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Whatever Happened to the Patriot Act?

When the Patriot Act was passed, something I was opposed to, the Left in This Country whined, bleated and moaned about how it would be used to end all Constitutional rights as we knew it and investigate anyone opposed to President Bush.

I honestly can’t tell you what is in it, but I have plenty of company. Most of Congress voted for it without ever reading the bill.

As a rule of thumb, I’m generally opposed to anything that will give the government more power to investigate citizens without a good reason. I did however know that President Bush would use it for its intended use, investigating and conducting surveillance on suspected terrorists. My concern was that a demoncrat president would use the Act to investigate anyone (read, Conservatives) who disagreed with him and his socialist agenda.

I predicted when it was passed that if the Reds took over congress that they would quiet their whining about the Act until the outcome of the 2008 Presidential election. While I’m no psychic, what I predicted came to pass. The Reds won the Congressional elections and complaints about the Patriot Act faded. When the Mocha Marxist won the Presidential election, all talk of the Patriot Act went oddly (not really) silent.

Shortly after B. Hussein Obama took office, the Left started bleating about fears of violence from the “extremists” on the Right. The fear of violence from Right-Wing “extremists” was being propagated by the DHS, and Left-Wing propaganda groups such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and and other assorted Left-Wing sites.

It appears to me that the Patriot Act, using “warnings” about Right-Wing “extremists” from the above mentioned groups will be used to target Conservatives groups and individuals.

But then again, I could just be one of those paranoid, Right-Wing “extremists”. Don’t be surprised if you hear about DHS, Jack Bauer-types storming my house.

